6 Days Umbwe Route Climb Kilimanjaro

6 Days Umbwe Route Climb Kilimanjaro

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro via the Umbwe Route is a challenging and adventurous journey. The Umbwe Route is known for its steep ascent and offers stunning views, making it a popular choice for experienced trekkers seeking a more secluded and challenging path to the summit. Here’s a suggested 6-day itinerary for climbing Kilimanjaro via the Umbwe Route


Itinerary in Details

  • Pick up with our vehicle from the hotel, drive to Umbwe gate. Here after completing the gate registration procedures, the trek starts through the rainforest to Umbwe cave campsite where you will find all tents already setup then stop for dinner and overnight. Today you will walk across ridges and valleys into a really thick forest.


  • Elevation: 1200m to 1700m to 2850m.
    Distance: 10 km.
    Hiking time: 4-5 hours.
    Habitat: Montane forest
  • This day after breakfast you will trek through the remaining forest to the moorland and heath zone and you will be enjoying some wonderful views of Barranco valleys and ice cap on top of the mountain. Then you will arrive to Barranco Camp for dinner and overnight.


  • Elevation: 2850m to 3950m
    Distance: 9 km
    Hiking time: 4-5 hours
    Habitat: Montane forest and heather
  • Today you will be having a short day walk and in the late morning you will start climbing Barranco Wall and reach 4200m for acclimatization and continue crossing ridges and valleys to Karanga campsite for hot lunch. After lunch you will have a short rest and get another acclimatization of trekking up the screed slopes towards the Southern ice field, then you will return to the camp for dinner and overnight.


  • Elevation: 3950m to 3900m
    Distance: 6 km
    Hiking time: 4-5 hours
    Habitat: Moorland
  • Today trek up to the Barafu ridge campsite is tough because of altitude. The walking hours is few because is steep, so it needs slowly walk to avoid fatigue as well as high altitude sickness. You will walk across alpine desert with strong cold wind blowing because there are no trees around as well as getting closer to the Kibo glaciers. You will have lunch and early dinner, then rest until midnight when you start the summit climb.


  • Elevation: 3900m to 4620m
    Distance: 5 km.
    Hiking time: 3-4 hours
    Habitat: Alpine Desert
  • The day starts around midnight with a light breakfast, and then last preparations for your summit ascent. The goal is to climb before dawn so that you can reach Uhuru Peak shortly before or after sunrise. Leave to the peak at 12; 00am, switchback up steep scree or possibly snow, and reach Stella Point on the crater rim at 5,861m between 4 and 5am. At this point, you will have views of the fabled crater and its icecaps facing you and all spectacular area surrounding you. Then after 1 hour of hiking along the Kibo crater rim near the celebrated snows takes you to Kilimanjaro’s true summit, Uhuru Peak. Here you will spend some time for taking photos. After your summit activities done, descend back to the Barafu Huts campsite, have lunch, rest, collect your equipment, and continue your walk down through moorland and heath zone to Mweka Huts campsite, then dinner and overnight at Mweka hut campsite.


  • Elevation: 4620m to 5895m to 3100m
    Distance: 15km
    Hiking time; 10 – 12 hours
    Habitat: Desert and ice
  • Today is your last day on the mountain so you will descend down to Mweka park gate walking across Montane forest this descent will take 3-4 hours. Then here at the gate you will sign out and get ready to board the vehicle ready for the transfer back to the hotel in Moshi for certificate presentation and a well deserved celebration.


  • Elevation: 3100m to 1700m
    Distance: 9km
    Descendng time: 3-4 hours
    Habitat: Montane forest
  • Park fees, (entry fee camping/hut fees & rescue fees crew fees)
  • 18% VAT on tour fees & services
  • Three health and fresh meals
  • Professional and experienced mountain Guide
  • Professional and experienced cooks.
  • Transportation to & from the airport
  • Transportation to & from the mountain gates
  • Enough number of porters for your luggage, food, water, and camping equipment.
  • Food, shelters, and fair wages for the porters, cooks, and guides
  • Camping gears (sleeping tents, dining tents, tables, chairs, and cooking gear)
  • Radio and cell phone communication that help us to stay in contact within and outside the group therefore we can respond almost instantaneously to whatever issue that may arise
  • We provide our guides with professional first aids kits and pulse oximeters for daily updates of acclimatization progress
  • Assistance with climbing permit procedure
  • Personal porters
  • All international and domestic flights
  • Tourist Visas
  • Medical and Travel insurance
  • Tips to mountain crew
  • Mountain trekking gears e.g. walking poles (available for hire upon request)
  • Sleeping Bag (available for hire upon request)
  • A portable flush toilet with a toilet tent is extra (US$200 per toilet + toilet tent)
  • Others; Extra expenses as food or drinks separate from those described in the itinerary, satellite phone calls, transference fees, and other services not specified as included.
  • Any other alterations to our itineraries
  • Emergency Oxygen